At Lilacamps we focus on three strands of writing during the summer stay course. Firstly we will guide the students through the process of narrative writing: setting, characters, plot, conflict, and resolution. The students will present their finished articles to the class at the end of the week.
The second strand is persuasive writing. Students will explore persuasive writing in the media and online through advertisement and marketing strategies. The course culminates in them designing a brochure for the cultural trip to Clare and Galway they experience during the camp.
The third strand is nonfiction writing. This will include comparing and contrasting home and host countries, instructional writing, completing surveys and taking interviews with people in the locality.
“Tell me and I will forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I will understand.”
– Confucious 450
The students will be guided through a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts and tasks during classes. We will teach them how to approach exam stlye IELTS comprehensions using techniques such as scanning, skimming, inference, intensive and extensive reading. Reading will be heavily incorporated into activities and cultural trips in the form of task cards and worksheets.
This aspect of the language academy is vital to the students English proficiency. The classes will have daily activities where students speak in pairs, groups and whole class settings. Project work and presentations will have rubrics attached so that students can evaluate how best to use their speaking skills and will be assessed accordingly. Cultural day and overnight trips will focus heavily on practicing English speaking also. Interactive tours and project work will test the students’ level of comprehension and fluency.
Formal listening activities will take place during classes while informal listening will be integral to the overall stay as students will be training their ear to the English language throughout the course maximizing their fluency each step of the way.
Each week students will complete a different project. These projects will incorporate all strands of the English language. Information Technology will play an important role in this project work as students will need to research topics and present using PowerPoint, Microsoft word and various other programmes. Projects may include designing a brochure, completing surveys and interviewing people in the locality.
We promote independent learning skills, encouraging every student to take responsibility for their learning. Lilacamps is a highly professional language academy. We offer world class language courses with guaranteed improvement in English proficiency.