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Brendan Costello

Brendan Costello

Brendan Costello COURSE DIRECTOR Years of teaching: 15 Qualifications: Bachelor of Education. Diploma in English. Interests: I spent over 6 years teaching and travelling in Abu Dhabi. I worked in adult education, public schools and the private school system. I  have a deep understanding of the GCC people and love learning about new cultures. Lilacamps [...]
Conor Moloney

Conor Moloney

Conor Moloney GENERAL MANAGER & ENGLISH LANGUAGE SPECIALIST Age: 29 Years of experience: 6 Qualifications: Bachelor of Education. Diploma in English. Interests: I am passionate about travel, sport, photography and languages. I spent many years working and living in The UAE. Teaching is a great way to see the world. OUR TEAM MEET OUR TEACHERS Brendan [...]
Fred Williams

Fred Williams

Fred Williams ENGLISH LANGUAGE SPECIALIST Age: 31 Years of teaching: 9 Qualifications: Bachelor of Education. DELTA certificate. Interests: I love reading and writing. I have written a number of short stories and plays. My other love is sport. I train teams regularly and I find it a great way to connect with my students. I [...]
Lorraine Devine

Lorraine Devine

LORRAINE DEVINE ENGLISH LANGUAGE SPECIALIST Age: 32 Years of teaching: 10 Qualifications: Bachelor of Education. CELTA certificate. Interests: I have taught and lived in 4 different countries. I love seeing the differences and similarities between education systems around the world. It is a constant learning curve. OUR TEAM MEET OUR TEACHERS Brendan Costello Course Director [...]
Michael Costello

Michael Costello

Michael Costello ENGLISH LANGUAGE SPECIALIST Age: 30 Years of Teaching: 7 Qualifications: Bachelor of Education, Diploma in teaching English as a second Language. Interests: I love to read and write. I come from a family of writers and I am passionate to pass this onto my students. I am also very interested in sports nutrition [...]
Tara Smith

Tara Smith

TARA SMITH HEAD OF DEPARTMENT FOR ENGLISH Age: 31 Years of Teaching: 5 Qualifications: Degree in English and Drama, Post graduate in Education, Masters in Education Interests: I love to travel and experience new cultures. I feel it is the best way to learn and broaden my horizons. OUR TEAM MEET OUR TEACHERS Brendan Costello Course [...]
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